
Testing and assessment


Click HERE to download the Mareeba State High School Assessment Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1 - What should I submit with my assessment and where should I submit it?
Besides your completed assessment task, all assignments require the task sheet, assessment criteria or instrument-specific marking guides attached with a title page that lists the assignment/unit name, subject, teacher name, student name and due date. The conditions on your task sheet will clearly set out what is required. All assignments should be submitted to your subject teacher. You may be required to submit your assessment task via an online plagiarism detection website.

Question 2 - Do I have to submit a draft?
Yes you do. In fact, the QCAA insists that students submit draft work at various checkpoints to ensure academic integrity. Drafts are used to provide feedback to students regarding areas for improvement. Mandatory drafting also assists students with managing their time ensuring your work rate is sufficient in order to complete the task to schedule, and ensuring the response is within length requirements. If you fail to meet draft dates you will receive teacher supervised detensions until your completed draft is submitted.

Question 3 - What do I do if I need an extension or I miss an examination?
In the junior years, submit the "Request for Assignment Extension and Variation to Examination date" form (found attached to the Assessment Policy document above) to the Faculty Head of Department, via your classroom teacher. Extensions may be granted for illness and particular extenuating circumstances (see full policy). With the exception of illness or extenuating circumstance on or over the due date, all extensions must be applied for in advance of the due date. All students are required to attend tests and examinations at the scheduled time. That said, there are procedures in place for students who are ill, have prior knowledge of an absence, or have exeptional circumstances. See the full policy for details. Failing to attend an examination may result in you being issued with an N (Non-submit). If there is a problem not defined by short- term illness or other short-term circumstances, you may be eligible for special provsiions that may include access arrangements or reasonable adjustments. In this case, seek the advice from your classroom teacher or Head of Department. 

Question 4 -  What are Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)?
In Years 11 & 12, the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) recognises that some students have a disability, impairment and/or medical conditions, or experience other circumstances that may be a barrier to their performance in assessment. Illness and unforeseen events may also impact on a student's ability to complete assessment, and may require access arrangements or a reasonable adjustment. Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) are designed to assist these students. In any of the circumstances above where a student requires special consideration for conditions within an assessment task, additional resources or changes to due dates, a student may apply for an AARA, well before the task is due, through the Deputy Principal. 

Question 5 - What do I do if I had in my assignment late, or fail to submit an assessment item?
You will be marked on what was available on or before the due date. In the first instance, you will be referred to the Head of Department and if the task is unfinished, you may be asked to complete it. Your parents/caregivers will also be notified. Further instances will result in a referral to the Deputy Principal, your parents will be contacted and a formal warning will be issued.  You will also be detained until the item is completed and persistent cases may also result in suspension or commencement of cancellation of enrolment proceedings, depending on your year level. Failure to submit may also result in a non-rating, which may impact on your ability to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education. The easy answer is make sure you manage your time well, hand in your drafts on time and get your assessment in by the due date and you will limit the likelihood of any problems. Communicate with your teacher early if you anticipate an issue, to avoid unnecessary stress. This also relates to submitting spoken or practical tasks on a specified due date.

Question 6 - What is academic integrity and misconduct?
The QCAA has strict guidelines around ensuring student authenticity in assessment tasks. This is not just limited to plagiarism or lack of referencing, but also includes cheating under supervised conditions, collusion with others, contract cheating, copying work, allowing significant contribution of others or self-plagiarism (duplicating work or part of work alread submitted as a response to an assessment instrument in the same or any other subject). Section 9.1.2 of the QCE Handbook outlines types of activities that may be regarded as academic misconduct. A student found guilty of such academic misconduct will be subject to penalty. Plagiarised work will be excluded from consideration when determining levels of achievement. Parental/caregiver contact will be made.

Last reviewed 12 August 2021
Last updated 12 August 2021